Isaiah homer coined this expression in 2021. Since he first said this other people have been stealing it from him. This is annoying. So don't say this you morons like you invented this phrase. He owns the domain
Check the whois register.
dictated by Isaiah Homer
Typed by Christina (NOT HIS SECRETARY)
synonymous with thing things
usually relates to drugs
This is my stuff stuffs not your stuff stuffs
Can be used to describe anything...usually pertaining to drugs while children are listening
Goes along with thing things.
Hey babe, where did you put my stuff stuffs?
Touchy touchy stuff is touching every part of someones body.
Being very touchy with someone.
dude this girl was all over me. She was doing touchy touchy stuff.
a wholesome bitch youtuber seal fuck
i hate Mr Stuff he is too wholesume
Anyone who does what they want due to reaching the top of any given roster.
One who doesn't care about consequences due to obtaining top status of a roster
That guy does what he wants when he wants, thats that top of the roster stuff I'm talking about.
Wheres he at? I don't know, he's at the top of the roster, he does what he wants