Source Code


Cadence is the definition of going winless in an entire split.

Hey did you hear about that 0-11 dude?

Yeah Cadence ahaha

by Cadencelol February 2, 2020



I'M TAIB8NV7R8MA8YBFTRDybtyuTBYUTBfrtubRC52Z1QCvb7N8M89nbTVce4Q3213579M8uy6VR54E43`45M8./;,;.;./.;.,.==-=-;==.=/;;;,./;..=P-)(*&*&%^$wyjigge:(&%$$%&0

by i want to type something rando July 8, 2023

1👍 1👎


when your bored in school and literally type everything on the keyboard except capitals

`~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qweèéêëēėęrtyÿuûüùúūiîïíīįìoôöòóœøōõp{}\|aàáâäæãåāsßśšdfghjklł;:’”zžźżxcçćčvbnñńm,<.>/? is my favourite word

by jkhshfdcs February 7, 2024


When you're down with life, and something makes it worst.

"I hate my life (0).(0), now it's even worst."

by ShivangIsMyDad October 1, 2018

1/0 ys

A way to tell someone to kill themselves and bypassing tos/ingame restricitions

1/0 ys little kid.

by grippy sock home January 5, 2024


On Tuesday 30th November 2021 England women's national football team beat Latvia 20-0. A goal on average every 4 and a half minutes. This level of rudeness on an international stage is unprecedented.

For something to be classed as 21-0 it needs to set a whole new level of rudness. Ruder than dedicating your whole life honing your footie skills, only to be spanked 20-0 in front of the world.

Cretin 1: "Did you hear about Timmy banging James girlfriend at the party last night whilst James was passed out asleep?"

Cretin 2: " "Ah bruv that's 21-0"

by Tim Chan Kiwi February 15, 2022

0 am

0 am - Basically the time where i get up in the bed and start twerking
Then stop when its 1 am..
Then dream of amogus

Coi: I just woke up in 0 am
Coi: its time to make life a living nightmare again

by someonewholikeseatingmayo June 27, 2022