Source Code


To get overwhelmed by a list of links that counter your argument.

Jimbo google-slapped a denialist conservative with a list of links to stories discussing Republican candidates that are neo-Nazis.

by jimbo92107 May 23, 2015

Google Subscription

A gift for "that" friend who constantly asks you questions that they could just search for on the interwebs.

oOChrissyOo needs a Google Subscription, especially when her sugars are low.

by Notorious Chicka April 11, 2017

Google translate

A web translator that gets it's job done, but can sometimes give you some questionable results.

You can get these by typing in things like:
1. two or three letters over and over (aoaoaoaoao)
2. phonetic letters
3. long sentences

Person 1: Hey man! I just learned some Japanese!

Person 2: Then say something.

Person 1: Ok! ふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふふ fufufufu...

Person 2: What does that mean?

Person 1: From here it's just two miles to the hotel that has been refurbished.

Person 2: Were you screwing with Google Translate again?

by retard_on_the_internet November 8, 2020

Google Translate

A website that you can translate any word

Me:searches up " Google Translate "
Also me:*translates Urban Dictionary into german"
Translation:urbanes Wörterbuch
Me: wtf

by ihandlethisidk September 3, 2022

google Translate

The thing I use because I suck at spanish.

Imma just use google translate lol.

by guccidogbeds April 2, 2021

Google lazy

When you are too lazy to google something yourself. So you text a friend and ask them the question you could have easily googled yourself.

Kelli (texting): "What kind of material was Han Solo frozen in?"

Brigette (replying): "Carbonite, my Google lazy little sister."

by classikjane August 31, 2012

Google Gazer

A person who has a 'compulsive internet disorder' specifically referring to those who search the web for answers to EVERYTHING!

A person who googles their own address just to see their house on the internet.

"Dude, get off the computer already. You dang Google Gazer! ..... You smell like a burnt battery."

A person who person who searches their every thought.

by Hope & Gmoney February 13, 2011