An expression one may use when attempting to deflect or avoid a conversation. The person saying this expression may also be attempting to make it look like the other person (in the conversation) is saying something ridiculous.
Originated by Mae "Maeby" Fünke on the television series, "Arrested Development".
1) Michael: ...Why aren’t you in school right now?
Maeby: Marry me!
2) (Mort takes Maeby's book report thinking it's a movie treatment)
Mort Meyers: What's this? So, you're this Funke everyone's been talking about. You can't be more than what? Fifteen?
Mae "Maeby" Fünke: (laughing nervously) Marry me!
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The absolute denialism required to survive in the COVID post-exposure social dynamic; just lie yer fuckin' ass off.
So, when did you test POSITIVE for COVID and when did you FIRST have symptoms and when did you FIRST begin quarantine?
Ummm, wudn't me.
A Term Used Often By BSG Shotta To Show His Joy And Excitement
Guy1: Wait Bro, Did You See That Kill?
Guy2: Yes Man I Did
Guy1&2: GET MEEEE!!!!!
A phrase taken from "Dinner for Smucks". It should be spoken somewhat sarcasticly after an odd, absurd question has been asked of someone you don't know well.
Hipster: Have you lived among Alaskans as one of them and dined upon bear meat?
Hippet: No!
Hipster: That surprises me...
Also known as: SFM (not to be confused with SFM, which is a different thing.)
Smile For Me! An adorable(?) unconventional Point-and-Click Adventure Steam Game that puts you at the center of an abstract world! Nod and shake your head to chat with new friends, and solve their mysteries to cheer them up.
The art style is so amazing, the characters are amazing, the soundtrack is amazing, and the overall story is amazing! The games fanbase is a little small, but that's okay!
Some Steam facts:
Smile For Me was released on Steam May 31st, 2019.
The overall reviews are Overwhelmingly Positive.
Developers are Gabe Lane and Yugo Limbo.
Popular user-defined tags are: Indie, Adventure, Casual, and Psychological Horror (It's really not that scary, though, just unnerving.).
And now, a very accurate review by "matt".
Arguably one of the best games I've ever played. Everything about it was unique, the character were all lovable, the map/background/world was beautiful, the writing for the characters and story was absolutely flawless, I enjoyed every minute of it. Yugo Limbo's artstyle and creativity alongside Gabe Lane's huge mega brain (and also creativity) form the best creative duo of all time. Smile For Me made me feel every emotion in the book. Anxiety with the yowls and the curfew, happiness when communicating with the characters and sorrow at points in the game that could be minor or major. The only way for you to know which is by playing the game. It's worth every cent.
Person one: "Hey, have you heard of Smile For Me?"
Person two (rarely): "That Steam game, right?"
Person one: "Yeah!"
Person two: "I played it when it first came out! It was awesome. I also cried."
Person one: "Me too, man."
Im not gonna be like those dumb s*x things so it means:
When your mad or you got into a frustrating situation
Idk person: Fuck me i got into this situation.
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"Praise me" is to be said after a badass moment where someone feels they deserve praise. The words MUST be accompanied by raising your left hand above your head and repeatedly waggling your fingers.
Damn dude... did you just see how high I jumped my dirt bike!? Praise me! (accompanied by the hand motion)
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