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Programming institute, to make modern children uncreative, quiet, obdient, slaves of the system, instead of what they DON'T want - artists, leaders, musicans, CEO's, government officials.. In that place, they give you some bullshit you must remember to then forget it. if you are obdient, and remember this BS, society thinks you are smart. in school they often don't pay attention to mental health issues and don't care about the kids, and many people want to commit suicide because they are so overwhelmed by school. you're in this place to later go into another waste of time and scam, called college, then get a regular 9-5 job, give money to big corporations, then watch some Netflix propaganda and die. Novus ordo Seclorum.

- do you go to school?
- yeah, but i wanna commit suicide, i am bad at school, i have too much homework, i don't have time to spend time with my friends and my family, i am bullied and the teachers don't do anything. why even this place exists? i am a failure.
- no, youre not. if you have bad grates that doesn't mean you are a failure. your grades doesn't define your intelligence, they define your obdience to authority and memory. remember, you are a wonderful person, and you have many undiscovered talents, that school wants you to forget. try to find something you love. ignore this mean mfs. you see? this is what school does to our people.

by t00c00lforscho00l April 8, 2022

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A place where most of the kids are hypocrites and don't know shit about themselves. A place where you're forced to go or you're considered "retarded". This is the government's legal institution for prison. Adults don't get along with the kids. Children used to be valued.

Yo you're a pussy.

Talk to her.

(Stays in silence)

School is fulled with hypocrites.

by Im Telling The Truth Man March 30, 2012

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A place that is like a concentration camp where kids are worked against their will.

Man I am going to skip school today.

by Girly Wolfykins March 25, 2017

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I have to go to school.

by Budo's Kid Sister April 22, 2019

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School is death

School is used to murder kids


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A place where you learn useless shit. You cant get up, use the fucking bathroom or have freedom. Then, 7 dreadful hours pass.. well I guess all that work wasn't enough so we get homework that usually takes 1 - 2 hours. I dont think things should be drilled into your mind, learn slowly and smooth. Oh and did I not mention if you break a rule you go into detention..

School: 18 years of prison
Prison: hell..
Hell: Terrible.

by AmyLarkus May 2, 2012

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A place where you learn and learn and learn and adults just talk and talk and talk

I HATE school

by RainbowLoomPinkPantherBalloon December 21, 2016

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