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blue arsed fly

is someone who had been running round doing everything being really busy.

'you do it, ive been running round like a blue arsed fly all day!2

by soge November 12, 2005

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Slap arse month

Any lad/lass has a pass to slap every ones arse as many times as they what in October ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚

โ€œYour our and some slaps your arse Cos is ya slap arse monthโ€

by 1245756999 October 3, 2019

28๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ask Me Arse

See also Ask Me Bollix

Irish turn of phrase conveying complete and utter distain towards someone.

Can also be used as a dismissive term.

Man 1: When will it be ready?
Man 2: Soon
Man 1: When will it be ready?
Man 2: Soon
Man 1: WHEN??
Man 2: Why dont you ask me arse??

by Brian February 21, 2005

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Cake and Arse Party

Military Slang for when something goes FUBAR

(Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition)

Mate, you gotta check out the Crap Hats...
They're making a real Cake and Arse Party out of their exercise!

by Saccade October 11, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

tight arse tuesday

Tuesday nights are half-price night at Australian cinemas. Derived from the slang tight arse.

Let's go to the cinema on tight arse Tuesday.

by Elwyn 5150 April 16, 2007

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Klingon Arse-Pinch

The name for a sudden tug of the hair in the perianal region, often caused by the accidental shifting of an undergarment; also, to surprise someone by giving their perianal hair a tug; can refer to the cause behind a person unexpectedly yelping, or leaping to their feet, for no outwardly apparent reason.

Karen and Soneli were quietly watching TV, when Soneli leapt to her feet with a shriek, as if she had received a vigorous Klingon arse-pinch.

by Sir Neville W.F.G. Mariner, April 3, 2006

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Kit Kat Arse

When you have been sitting down for a prolonged period of time, so the base of one's arse cheeks become flat, so it resembles an upturned Kit kat

"I've been sitting here for seven fucking hours man"
"I bet you have a right Kit Kat arse!"

by Barclay teh Great March 7, 2009

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