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Brat Chaser

The brat chaser is the dominant to the submissive passionate brat.

The brat chaser has a consistent need to constantly be in anticipation, not knowing how their partner really ever feels, surging pleasure and reward for their efforts of chasing when they are rewarded.

The job of the brat chaser is to affirm their desire and love for the passionate brat. Always having to try really hard to get what they want from their submissive. As if they have to claw their way through a series of obstacles just to have their submissive accept their demands.

For a more in depth explanation see: aveyrin.com/blog/4

James is the brat chaser, chasing after Sarah, trying to show her how much he loves her like they first just met.

by addiaveyrin September 8, 2024

benny chaser

A sneaky little devil that tries to date flight attendants to use their flight benefits.

John: Ay baby girl heard you are a flight attendant. Wanna hook me up with some free tix?

FA: Bro I don’t even know you. Typical benny chaser move.

by Martha’sBloomers69 October 12, 2018

kink chaser

A kink chaser is when you have lots of kinks but instead of sex you do kinky stuff

"Tom why doesn't it seem like you don't have sex"

"It's because I'm a kink chaser. It gives me more pleasure"

by Yoinkboink September 16, 2018

Squirrel Chaser

A frisky member of the female persuasion that is always searching for a nut to bask In

Have you met our new coworker Phyllis ? Shes a squirrel chaser , shes been hoping from dick to dick all week

by Rickey Spanish June 9, 2020

Squirrel Chaser

Sierra Running barefoot catching squirrels to make hats.

Hey what are you doing tomorrow after B.B.W.B ridding?
Oh nothing going Squirrel Chase'n. They call me the Squirrel Chaser

by Elhood April 15, 2011

chalupa chaser

That one friend who wont stop sleeping with Mexican chicks.

Brad: "Hey man, you ever considered giving up being a chalupa chaser and test driving a white girl?"

Nate: "Fuck you buddy, all my girls come through with tamales."

by olebarrelhead February 24, 2016

smile chaser

A smile chaser is someone that runs toward happy people and runs from sad, angry, mean people.
Someone that is always happy even when the world hands them junk.

He was a smile chaser, ignoring his down in the dump comrades and struck up a conversation with happy laughing people.

by judgmentbuy April 19, 2016