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prank war

Well, look up war. A war itself is an open, armed, and often prolonged carried on between two opposing parties. Assuming we all know what pranks are (whether we know any good ones or not), a prank war is a war between two parties where the combat you'd expect from a war is nothing more than practical jokes. The opposing parties are usually two groups of highschool students, and is usually started from hatred of the group of higher status (or popularity) to the one of lower status, for whatever the reasons.

Prank wars range from all degrees; simple prank wars, mild prank wars, and all-out wars. Simple prank wars ususally consist nothing more than pissing the other team off occasionally. A mild prank war is when plans start going into action, and getting others involved that really have no meaning in the war whatsoever; any pranks you can think of without any physical means is considered 'mild', like hacking someone's online journal or tagging their school locker. Mild prank wars do tend to get pretty bad and argumentitive, but its really just a battle in wit, really, but as soon as that physical means is acheived, we've moved on to an all-out war.

An all-our war usually starts with the typical water balloon throw, but it does tend to escalate from there. This is usually the point where pranks are no longer done for fun, but for pure vengeance and great dislike of the other team; points begin to seize count for both teams because no one's interested any more, feelings start to get hurt, parents get involved, and the cops are called. It usually doesn't get this far, but its been known to happen.

All a prank war really is is the 'cooler' teams way of saying to the 'lesser' team, "We don't like you, so we're going to do all this nasty shit to you and call it a prank war so you don't get all emo and we don't get in trouble." Then again, while some prank wars really ARE just done for fun, some aspect of hate is usually involved, and prank wars are usually started as an excuse to get revenge on someone of the opposing team. As prank wars go, the 'lesser' team ususally wants nothing to do with the war, until something extremely personal is done to them. In rare cases, the lesser team can exceed the greater team, and in that rare occasion things often tend to escalate into an all-out quite quickly.

Cool kid #1: I hate those emos. They're such posers.
Cool kid #2: And they're always messing with our shit.
Cool kid #3: They think they're so hxc, but its ridiculous.
Cool kid #1: Why don't we just start a prank war to get back at them for all the shit they've done to us?
Cool kid #2: Great idea. Time for payback.

Later, after the emos find out

Emo kid #1: The cool kids are after us again.
Emo kid #2: As if they ever leave us alone. I hate being unpopular.
Emo kid #3: Maybe we shouldn't have messed with them.
Emo kids #1 and #2: Yea.
Emo kid #2: Pass me the razor.

by og c00l kid June 17, 2006

43πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Poke War

A war between two facebook friends by incessantly poking each other in order to get the last poke.

Stian won the poke war.

by john.byrne.wishes. April 5, 2011

36πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Whale Wars

Popular game played at mid-west college parties among a group of severely drunk males brave enough to partake. Object, locate and score with the fattest chick you can get. Whoever successfully bags the biggest "whale" wins.

Yeah man, she was huge, he won whale wars for sure.

by Zonaboi February 10, 2011

54πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

star wars

best movies ever. star wars owns star treck and all treckies go to hell!

dude i watched star wars 8 times this week.

by vladimir botchkovski January 13, 2006

139πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Queers of War

1. The name my brother uses to call the XBOX:360 game "Gears of War."
2.Referring to homosexual people in the armed forces.

"Look, he's playing Queers of War again!!! What a loser."

"Yeah ok, your nothing but a Queer of War, fighting those helpless Iraqis"

by CoronaExtra18 January 6, 2007

70πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Cold War

It is a drinking game developed in George Town by Nick aka yoshi aka the jew aka yar-yar. It is set up on a standard beer pong table, maybe a little bit wider if you prefer.

Each side starts with 3 pyramids (racks, triangles). Racks can vary in size from 3 cups to 10 cups. Each rack has its own person (only one person drinks from each triangle/rack). Ping-pong balls are used and at least one ball per person. So if you have three racks on each side you need 6 balls.

The 2 sides are the Soviets (Com block) and the Allies (Nato). Each person starts with a ball. The Russians get to fire the first shot. Once the first ball leaves the hand of a Soviet player the Nato players can fire back.

The Rules:
Soviets fire first. Nato can respond. There are no turns like in beer pong/Beirut. If a ball lands in one of your cups you cannot do anything (not throw the ball or collecting the balls) until you finish your beer. (If another ball lands in one of your cups while your drinking, then you must finish that one as well). Once you have a ball you can throw it. Bounces can be knocked away but they do not give you any advantage. You can only collect balls that are on your half of the table/room ect. You cannot cross it (the middle dividing line is the Iron Curtain!!(yet). Once your rack of cups has been drunk you can cross to the other side as a spy, where you can compete for the balls w/ the opposing team and throw them back to your teammates.

Your can use strategies such as hording the balls and making into all of your opponents cups to keep them drinking.

This is a VERY FAST paced game.

Damn, the game of cold war really got me drunk.

by little vu June 5, 2009

25πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

nerf war

War with guns that shoot small foam penises. A fun and hilarious way to keep one's virginity.

BF-I got hit with 30 penises last night.
BF-wait they're ner... Damn it she's gone. It was just a nerf war...

Oww why did you shoot me in the penis with a penis. That nerf war was intense

by Π‘ΡƒΠΊΠ°Π‘Π»ΡΡ‚ΡŒ January 6, 2015

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž