Source Code

no money down

No money were spent.

"Don't have to blow twenty thou' to get to know honey's style
Show her the town, steal her heart, no money down" -Rakim

by JohnMike999 March 8, 2016

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

random the money

1) Putting your money in a completely arbitrary order.

2) An exclamation with the equivalent meaning of saying "Right on target!"

"My 3 pointers are random the money!"

by The Fly February 9, 2004

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chlo money

A bad bitch who like the bee movie,Cory in the house, and cars. No 1 fuxx with her!

Damn, chlo money is so coolio.

by chloe money 69 March 21, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stunt Money

Money that is produced by a country that is not backed by a solid commodity, therefore has no intrinsic value. But somehow through underhanded schemes and trickry the rich of the nation are somehow able to use it to get richer, and the everyman can't get enough to make a dollar out of fifteen cents.

James: The President says that printing more money will help our economy, we are going to be alight!

Jennifer: That is not going to help a damn thing! That crap is stunt money, it is not worth anything!

James: I thought we were going to get change! I'm putting my trust in JESUS.

by Insurv Pimp September 16, 2011

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Money Ball

In a game of foosball, Money Ball occurs when both teams are on game point. At this time, it is customary to cheers, drink, and insult the opposing team and/or teammate.

Team 1: 9pts Team 2: 9pts
Fooser #1 "Money Ball!"
Fooser #2 "Cheers to you losing Boy-O"
Fooser #1 "Cheers to your Mom blowin' me later"

by foosman February 19, 2010

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bitch money

Money that is paid in order to acquire a pregnant dogg.

fuck these catz! I don't care 'bout their bitch money !

by Compton666 June 16, 2006

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butt money

butt money is when you stick your dollars in your butt crack before paying for stuff. usually butt money occurs when you are waitiing for food to be delivered.

dude they are taking forever to bring us our food. i'm totally giving him some butt money.

by bellewasok December 5, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž