October the 6 is national relationship day it’s a day to spend time with your lover and have a good day together remember this day and look forward to it the next year.
I’m excited for national relationship day because I’m actually taken by someone this year
When you pretend to love someone but your actually with a thousand other people.
“Look at these relationships now a days there all talking to other people but only showing one”
We love relationships now a days don’t we
The current state of the "Special Relationship" between Trump's America and Brexit Britain, both having gotten largely out of hand in the last two years.
US: I don't know which one of us is dumber now, you with Brexit or us with Trump.
UK: Actually, we're both pretty fucked, mate. The Special Relationship has really become the Special Needs Relationship now.
noun; a three month relationship is the result of what happens when someone is skeptical about dating another person and they end up going out quickly realizing that it wont work out, these relationships on average last around three months hence "three month" it is an alternative to being friendzoned/put in the friendzone
joseph~hey sarah are you going out with kevin?
sarah~no, i dont want another dumb three month relationship
kevin~..... cries.....
a relationship in which both parties participating fuck and chill but are in no way committed to each other and still see other people but don’t tell anyone they’re in a relationship
person 1: “yo is that chick single? do you think i can smash?”
person 2: “ i heard she was in a secret open relationship”
person 1: “bet, imma slide”
1👍 1👎
A relationship between two people where there is clearly an imbalance between looks, age or some other characteristic (but excluding wealth) that places the relationship in an immediate and stark power imbalance. This differs from sugar daddy / sugar mummy / toy boy relationships where wealth difference is the defining differential, and the relationship is base around a symbiotic exchange.
Related to Zeus (king of the Greek gods) who started an illicit relationship with Ganymede (a low born mere mortal) and elevated him to the position of Demi-God in Greek mythology when he could have had literally any other God, Goddess, Demi-God or human on earth including royalty.
Why is that young good looking successful girl going out with a divorced, broke, unemployed overweight guy with no prospects? He doesn’t even have a particularly nice personality.
I’m not sure - maybe she has low self confidence or perhaps she’s just addicted to Zeus-Ganymede relationships and all that power and security of knowing he’ll never cheat.
Fake, just fake. Not gonna last. Disgustang
Your in a middle school relationship? Ew, no, disgustang