When you stretched her box out in round one and go back in for round two and there's no traction anymore so it's like the TARDIS in Doctor Who: a box that's much bigger on the inside.
Jason: Sorry, honey, this isn't working. You've got a police box now.
Samantha: A police box?
Jason: Twat And Relative Dick In Snatch, and the relative size has changed a lot since fifteen minutes ago.
Homecide Detective
I don't care about drugs. I'm here for the bodies... I'm Murder Police
MET Rogue-ness is a common sighting and is very helpful for health, stamina and agility. Without rogue-ness, we’d have unfit command and that’s why rogues-ness is now allowed.
Exactly, I’m rogue ( METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE ) and it’s good for me
The police won't leave you alone
Emma-are the police still there
Carol-yes they won't leave me alone
Emma-so you've got a police infection
Daniel andrews private militia, enforcing lockdowns and stripping people of all freedom, they literally suck sick for a pay cheque.
Look it’s Victoria police coming so serve us lol jokes they here to take our freedom
Obviously not looking at this mini Chad
I asked the cop that pulled me over isn't there a height requirement for Police? Now I need a good injury lawyer
(v) when your sibling snitches about the gangster shit you did last night
“Uhh ohh. She’s callin the police…”