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a fucking vagina

Example: i will stick this dick up your cunt ohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh yeah

by auhduahwiudqhwuidhw December 13, 2017

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Can be used two ways,
1. an endearing name for your friend
2. towards someone you hold a great disdain against

Your tone of voice can make a big difference

1. โ€œoi cunt! wanna come over for a cold one sโ€™arvo?
2. iโ€™m gonna punch your head in, cunt!

by onethree00sixtriple5oh6 May 7, 2019

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This word can be used in both, good and bad ways. But the original meaning is a females vagina. In Australia it is mainly used for saying how good someone is, for example "your such a mad cunt" and in a bad way it goes something like this "Oi you shit cunt". this word it a very strong one, so make sure you use it correctly.

Bye cunts

Oi shit cunt, fight me.

Oh what a mad cunt.
That cunt was fucked

by FaintedAussie March 11, 2019

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Term of endearment in Truimph Bike groups.
Can also be an insult depending on context or prefix.

He's a nice cunt, he helped me find out what my tyre pressures are.
He's a thick cunt, he didn't know what his tyre pressures should be.

by I don't care anymore May 11, 2020

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Shahrukh Ahmed

oh you are such a cunt

by zskhan March 16, 2017

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1. A dripping wet hole that guys love and cum in

Come fuck my dripping cunt

by BellsToBae October 10, 2014

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The only word in the English language to hold any true power in today's society. Often used (but strongly ill-advised) as a derogatory term towards women, this word has the power to creep into the very soul of women and spontaneously combust into the wrath of Satan himself.

It's also slang for vagina.

Girl: I used up all of our money.
Guy: Our money?!? That was MY money you stupid cunt!

by Josesomo September 9, 2014

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