When a man is performing fellatio and his woman starts urinating in his mouth.
"Kiss the wave, motherfucker, you're already down there"
The sensation of a dream like wave over a conscious, often times intoxicated state.
Can happen on opiates, but primarily is caused by stimulates like Methamphetamine and Cocaine. Also known in some urban culture as 'being in your feelings '.
He's been up so long on that ice looking at old messages he's stuck in a perma-wave.
The movement of a girl tit when you suck the nipple.
I Felt her Happy Wave last week.
A Tsunami that is too small to penetrate very far inland but large enough to kill anyone stupid enough to go down to the beach to see it.
Did you hear about the idiots who went down to the beach to see yesterday's Tsunami? I think we need a Darwin Wave to take care of them.
To be overly tired, drained or strung out. Usually due to the use of some form of illicit drug.
The term was coined because of the oils and sweat that persperate through the skin from being under the influence of certain drugs. This in turn causes the hair to become oily/ greasy and have a wavy appearance.
Dude, last night was fun as hell but I'm waved out.
Dude those hits were good I'm totally waved.
With a Waving hallow the puritan addressed the crowd.