A girl that is best friends with an alien named Oh
Tip and Oh are such good friends
Created by Justin Carr and Eric Miles on November 21, 2017 at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute.
It mostly means when someone is on, doing, thinking, or saying some messed up/fucked up shit that is crazy
Means like crossing the line
Justin: “ you smashed that girl you met last night Eric?”
Eric: “yeah, went in raw n everything, prob didn’t pull out”
Justin: “naw nigga, you on the tip”
Cotton tips are for cleaning your ears right? cause that's the only way I've been using them. just picking the gunk out of your ears, so satisfying. I once ate a cotton tip and they taste pretty 'not bad' but then kinda disgusted me knowing I put them in my ear.
Kid: Hey dad?
Dad: yeah?
Kid: We've run out of Cotton tips, my ears feel g u n k y
Dad: oh really? Well just use a tissue or something
kid: Oh, ok
When A woman works the tip of your dick
I'll be working the tip tonight darlling
When the nipple of a boob is hard and is small
This one girls had a stubby tip poke out of her shirt.
This is the act of a man engaging, vaginally, in sexual intercourse with a women while she is menstruating and still wearing a tampon. The erect penis pushes the tampon further up the vaginal canal resembling a Q tip.
I totally Q tipped that girl last night. (verb)
I was so drunk I gave my girlfriend a Q tip. (noun)
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The act of inadvertantly handing over a pubic hair along with your money when paying for goods.
Little Sophie always dreaded acceping a sweet from her Grandpa, as it was more often than not accompanied by a greek tip (or two).
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