Source Code

snuggly uglies

mens brief style underwear

wife to husband "Why are you wearing your snuggly uglies when I bought you those sexy satin boxers?"

by blue92fxstc February 19, 2010

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Ugly Puppet

Ejaculating onto a hand puppet that was used to manually stimulate the person ejaculating.

I saw Dave give Caleb an ugly puppet! Poor Kermit was a mess after wards....

by Kermit THEE Frog December 2, 2009

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ugly booty

A booty that is ugly, lumpy, or disfucntionate.

She has an ugly booty.

by Naebabyery April 22, 2017

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ugly jig

Sex, intercourse, relations.

Tonight, my roomate and her boyfriend did the ugly jig. I had to listen to them through the wall for an entire four minutes, ugh.

by Rowsdowerrrrr September 29, 2007

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lookin ugly

When your intent is not clear. Situation is not planned out or sounds like other intentions are in mind.

When someone is doing something with other intentions and they don't line up to what is known.

When someone is dating someone and they are lieing about where they are going and you now there man or girl is going to see someone else

Person 1- Hey honey my friends want me to go some where last minute.
Person 2- Don't lie i read your text messages i know you were planning this since saturday.
Person 1- what i can't have friends
Person 2- yes you can but what you keep doing is lookin ugly your shit don't line up.

by i-Vo June 10, 2008

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Ugly syndrome

A disease in which you are ugly

Hi Iโ€™m k and I suffer from ugly syndrome which causes me to be single and hate my self:)

by lollololololoololol April 7, 2019

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You're ugly


I think you are!

Fo reels G i am!

fo reels, dawg

servedย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย 

by BObo D. HObo July 22, 2004

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