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A term used to describe someone who willingly follows orders and/or is reluctant to actually give orders for various reasons.

"That kid is such a sheep."
"He never gets to say anything, so what do you expect?"

by Silver Black December 13, 2014


Foolish mortals who follow the crowd and buy useless material items such as the iPhone and PlayStation 5.

Ew, you nasty herd of sheep. You buy iPhones and Playstations despite their prices.

by Adrien's Way June 21, 2021


going with the crowd to fit in and doing things just because everyone else is, having no authenticity or opinion of his/her own.

did you really take her opinion so seriously? you know what a sheep she is.

by grassisgreenerinhell April 14, 2023


A person who mindlessly follows or copies others in the name of fame and recognition.

Connor Monturo and Paul mays are sheep and get no bitches.

Ahmed Ata is not a sheep.

by Non-sheep-guy February 3, 2022


An alien creature of unofficial origin. It is official that these eldritch abominations came from the government. Or the Illuminati. Commonly used to describe the eldritch abomination, some farmers turn corrupt and believe the sheep is harmless. Those farmers have been BRAINWASHED by the aliens in the Illuminati. This was official when multiple “comedians” or spies from the Illuminati, proved that it existed!

Bob: I like farming sheep!

Ben: Those eldritch creatures!

by Ben, the Conspiracy Theorist! November 29, 2023


a sheep is an animal that looks like a cloud and is fluffy

me: wow look at that sheep
you: yes, it’s so cool

by alyssahhh December 7, 2019


People who lack self-awareness. People who scroll mindlessly through social media. People who shop instead of study. People who follow the conversations of celebrities. People who remain uneducated about where we came from, a rather recent history in the course of the Universe. People who spend their lives watching NetFlix shows (however complex they may be). People who spend more time in front of a screen than a face. People who blindly believe the government's lies. People who just want to be famous.

Sheep tend to spend their lives on the internet because it instantly gratifies their "id"- the part of our mind that demands pleasure.

by ControversialClaire May 7, 2016