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what the shiz

an expression of disbelief or great angst

My laptop just died, what the shiz, yo

by amadding July 7, 2008

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What a legend

This term is used to describe CreepyD

CreepyD created the cock shock what a legend .

by CreepyD_fan May 14, 2022

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what the freezy

used just like wtf.

WHAT THE FREEZY?! since wen did you become rich?!

by xCathy January 22, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

What's crackin'

What's going on?

Fat bitch: What's crackin'?
Me, nice guy: The floor fat bitch.

by AYO IM BLU3 January 11, 2021

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what you on with

What are you doing.

Yo mate what you on with this weekend

by Yo mandem January 1, 2017

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Say What???

Modern version of the grandparents' phrase "I beg your pardon." Words better when talking to friends, but not so much when talking to teachers or bosses.

1: You wanna go hang later?
2: Say what???
1: I said you wanna go hang later?
2: You know it!

by SilvaSanman March 1, 2008

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what the poop

an expression substituting a curse for poop

WHAT THE POOP! poop what the ? hi

by BARBRA STREISAND June 11, 2008

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