Source Code

moon time

When a girl is menstruating

period rag aunt flow

Boy: Hey girl let's have sex.

Girl: Sorry I can't I'm in Moon Time.

by Teeracy May 8, 2005

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

goat times

Anything you want it to be. Something to be said when you have nothing else to say. A good or a bad time, depending on the inside joke between you and another person.

William: Damn, Nadia is such an idiot. I wish she would get fired so I can make the extra money it takes to pay her overpaid salary.
Ray: Yeah.
William: I mean, I could do so much better and all that.. (bla bla bla)
Ray: Goat times.

by MrV June 8, 2007

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Techno Time

Techno time usually occurs in a semi techno song like in most 30H3! songs etc. Basically things slow down and then go all techno.

Dude i was listening to starstrukk when some one said TECHNO TIME!!! then it was all clear after that.

by FinlessAsianPorpoise February 14, 2009

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

due time

A time that isn't now, but then again isn't later, it is a time possibly in another universe, a time that is not even know by the person using the word. Typically used to refer to the time at which a friend will pay you back the money you lent him.

Hey buddy, do you have that money i lent you?
No, not now but i will have it in due time.
(meanwhile showing no apparent sacrifice in his own lifestyle in order to pay you back in your lifetime)

by allclassyNshit February 4, 2014

38πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

boner time

Any ammount of time spent watching pornography, looking at beautiful women, or simply fantasizing. Popularized by Sean W. Scott in the movie Road Trip

"Barry, dim the lights... it's BONER TIME!!"

by TrippleZero May 9, 2005

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quirola time

<kee rowh lah time>

The act of being late or extremely late to the effect of always being in a hurry or in a rush.

There is fashionably late, and there is quirola time.

- just this past sunday there was a boat party on the lake... my comrades did not make it on the boat. It was scheduled to leave at 1, they left the house at 1 because they were on quirola time

- today I got pulled over for speeding... the cop asked if I was late getting somewhere. I said nope I'm on time... quirola time!

- my friend recently went to a wedding. They arrived, sat down and the ceremony finished 5 mins later. When asked what happened? they replied 'quirola time'

- I was on the way to work, when I decided to detour and return some merchandise to a store on the way. My boss asked why I was late. I replied 'late? im on time... quirola time!!'


by JoeFro Van Clockenstein November 3, 2009

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Demon Time

Demon time starts at 11 pm ends at 3 am and consists of nonstop fuckery and horniness. Along with relaxation and laid backness. But may not happen unless Red Led lights are in the area. No fucks are given during this hour. Just straight Vibes.

He’s in demon time don’t fuck with him!

by lance pope January 30, 2021

148πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž