A white, dirty, nasty nigger. Does not bathe nor change clothes. He most likely wears the same clothes for a week without washing them.
“Bro I haven’t washed my clothes in like a month!”
“Ew you’re a Jesse C
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An insulting name for a sly person who sends nudes to other people when she is in a relationship.(can also mean attention seeker).
Person 1 -"Did you hear about that girl who is speaking to 20 different boys at the same time?".
Person 2 - "yeah I did, she sent nudes to all of them didn't she ?".
Person1 - "She's a jess Lewis "
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Jesse Leonard Discount is a kid who will steal you anything for a small fee. He his also usually a wigger or white indian
Riley: Oh man check out this wallet that jesse leonard stole me!
Keenan: oh noce bro! im gonna have to get myself a jesse leonard discount
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a dud going uot with a girl named kiley
booba jesse bauer
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A black independent thinker from Alabama who was sent from God in the year 1949. He is controversial figure because the truth is hard to handle for some and he is therefore looked down upon by the majority of the black community. He, along with his non-profit BOND, is rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man. He's also called an oreo cookie by liars for being "white on the inside, black on the outside."
White guy: You know that Jesse Lee Peterson guy?
Black guy: Yeah, he's a total oreo Uncle Tom!
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“where’d all the crack go?” “lol jess probs snorted it”
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A bullshit fee made up by the man to make them some extra dough and charge you for something unnecessary.
When I moved out of my apartment, they charged me a $50 cleaning fee. Then when I changed my mind and moved back in, it was just as nasty as before. It was a total Jesse James fee.
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