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knee lows

The breast of a woman that have lost all elasticity, and the breast hang down at knee level.

Dude! Check out that hot grandma she has some awesome knee lows. I want to lick them.

by kingsaitothegreat April 25, 2010

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low seven

a sly and undertoned reference to having sex with a girl

Dude, I'm totally going to give her the low seven

by naise83 August 10, 2011

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Low Yixuan

Madam Yizuan isn’t just a person, she is a lifestyle, a reason to breathe, an escape from this cruel world filled with thieves. She is a work of art, the first gift you open on christmas, a hug from a loved one, everything you’ve ever wanted, everything you need.

Omg!!! I love you Low Yixuan

Yixuan is the best!!!

Wow!! Its Yixuannn

by yixuanfanart November 20, 2020

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low carbtarded

When you are on a low carb diet and feel like your brain is off

I ate 10 grams of carbs today.. I feel low carbtarded

by Muy mal September 15, 2013

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go low

The act of shuffling down, knees together, at a bar filled with underaged girls and shitty music.

Total crowd pleaser.

Jay: "What's he doing"
Tom: "He's gonna go low man, it's a real crowd pleaser, plus the girls love it"

by bistro545454 November 11, 2018

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A quiet person who doesn't like meeting new people.

Hey, did see that new girl?
Yeah, I tried talking to her but she's really low-going.

by poooppieees :) January 16, 2021

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Low-pressure meaning of having low pressure is as having no stress or simply being very laid back

tommy: that person has such a low-pressure
person: yea he sure does cook like one laid back mother f*cker

by godXen December 28, 2016

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