An intense odar of marijuana pungent enough to be smelt from a great distande.
Officer Kenwood backed away from us cause we was reeky stank.
You don't want to know. BUT. If you must... A stank bank is a place you go to store unwanted memories of molestation in your childhood.
"Dude that story sucks. You should go to the stank bank with that one!"
"I'm going to see a therapist now. She helped me move my shit to the stank bank."
The mental collection of all the smells you've smelled in your life. Good or bad, they all go in to the stank bank
I know I recognize that smell, it's somewhere in my stank bank
The mental collection of all of the smells you've ever smelled.
I know that smell, it's in my stank bank.
That stank people who smoke a lot of weed have
I hate hanging out with Fiona she has major Dank Stank
An uncommon expression that portrays the sense of smell regarding a high grade mariquana stench. Also used to refer to high grade Mariquana.
Ay man, You got that dank stank?
Damn bro, that dank stank though.
Who got that dank stank?
When a group of hygienically impaired, Unshaven individuals gathering at a planned event ie “hippies” and their combined stench’s becomes overwhelming that they are considered To be a: plural - “stank of hippies”
Bro, that stank of hippies nearly made me reconsider my sexuality