Midnight Racing is a game on the massive platform Roblox where users can select from over 100 cars. The game features 5 maps. The game also features many customization options for vehicles that support them.
"ay bru wanna play midnight racing: tokyo?"
"sure man"
Someone who turns 21 at the club and can drink after that
We have a midnighter
Someone who turns 21 at a club and can order drinks there after
We have a midnighter
1. Changing the books to hide shit.
2. Doing things and the wrong things at the last minute.
3. Hiding more shit and dunp it on someone else.
4. Combine all three by adding some hincky shit.
1. Man, this client is so fucked and owes a shitton to other people. Time to do some midnight accounting.
2. Quick! The tax man is coming. You done with the midnight accounting?
A Midnight Boing is basically sex in the nighttime preferably at midnight but you can do it whenever you want as long as it’s nighttime and it’s dark outside
Ashley is going over for a midnight boing tonight.
I invited this girl over for a midnight boing tonight
The homosexual act of a guy licking another guy's ass
George: "I sent that guy a midnight letter last night"
Ben: ewwwwww
A term used when you've been woken in the night for a good dicking before falling back to sleep.
my wife woke me as she wanted to have a good midnight dicking