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Relief Shit

The act of opening ones bowels after holding it for a prolonged period of time. Relief shits are often explosive and those lucky enough to have reached a toilet in time describe the feeling as euphoric or like experiencing an orgasm.

There are 4 stages leading up to a relief shit.

Stage 1. A deep grumbling pain develops in the stomach far away from any known toilet, which intensifies very rapidly.

Stage 2. Panic ensues and victims break out in a sweat as the chocolate banana starts poking its way out.

Stage 3. Deep concentration sets in as the victim focuses on various arse clenching techniques to contain the beast.

Stage 4. Desperation. By now, the chocolate volcano is due to erupt any second and the victim is literally touching cloth. The end is neigh. A stage 4 victim cannot stand straight nor walk properly.

Many times, it will end with the victim franticly fumbling with a door key, trying to gain access to their property, losing vital seconds in the race for the loo.
There is a phenomena related to relief shits where the dark pony becomes more intent on escaping the closer you get to home.

Wife's and girlfriends are notorious relief shitters. They wait hours, sometimes days for their partners to leave the house before decimating the toilet bowl. They then clean up the monstrosity they have created just in time for the unsuspecting husbands return.

It is estimated that in the UK alone, 72% of men are married to, or living with serial relief shitters.

"God I wish he'd leave the house so I can finally have this relief shit'

"I went back home as I forgot my car key, You won't believe me but I caught the wife taking an almighty relief shit, had to get the plumber out"

by Lee Everette March 12, 2015

porch shit

When somebody shits on a neighbors porch.
Usually expresses deep hatred.
Can be used to end feuds between neighbors.
Will piss off the targeted neighbor to an unbelievable degree.

Dude 1: I've been feuding with that damn neighbor for years! He just took a Porch Shit!

Dude 2: I Wish I'd been there to see it.

Dude 1: I got a picture! I'm sending it to the homeowners association!

by Macgyverman1123 January 8, 2014

Shit Wizard

A drama queen of exceptional ability. Able to materialize shit to bitch about out of thin air.

When originally coined in a karmic supernova of recognition: my sister caused a big drama-filled shitstorm around our wedding that was nothing to do with my wife being Sikh and more to do with my sister being an incredible shit wizard

by makosanders April 17, 2011

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shit pond

A shit pond is any pond where the water is likely full of disgusting shit.

Mary threw our frisbee into that shit pond, no one wanted to get it because that pond is full of disgusting shit.

by Zuzzy Foeller March 18, 2014

Crew shit

When your crew of friends go to a resturaunt, gas station, or Orielys autoparts, for the purpose of taking a shit. Usually done in succession done one after another. Placing of said shit is usually determined by rock paper scissors, last known time of previous bm, or simply brute force.

1: Dude that Crew Shit we jammed in the Mc.Donalds last week was intense!

2: I know! I had to flush 6 times!

by they187 February 14, 2015

Shit showdown

When two individuals are taking a shit in stalls next to each other, both are trying to not make a sound while shitting. Eventually one will give up and wipe their shitless ass and leave, the victor will then proceed to release his mud monkeys.

This kid and I had a shit showdown last hour, it went on for 15 minutes and I got an ass cramp.

by Joe.mama September 24, 2019

no shit, sherlock

Similar to 'thank you captain obvious'.
Something you say to a dumbass who points out a completely obvious thing!

Dumbass: "Hey, your head is on fire!"
Smartass: "Yeah, no shit, sherlock!"

by Daniel Hough April 12, 2004

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