Source Code

Waffle Time

The time period of 2 am- 3 am where it is mandatory to enjoy a waffle of any kind. No cheating. Pancakes and crepes is the pussy option

Kyle- "What time is it?"
Evan- "waffle time!"

by Fuffytheclownkiller March 21, 2015

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blue Waffle

The most disgusting thing you will ever see.

Google: Blue Waffle. Click: I'm feeling Lucky. But you'll be feeling real sick after doing so...

by litttlemissssy. April 2, 2010

391๐Ÿ‘ 418๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dutch Waffle

When, while wearing a kilt, a white girl gives you head. Before you become sexually satisfied you stuff a cold eggo waffle down her throat wrapped around your penis and ejaculate. Then you pour in syrup in her vagina and, with the waffle now relatively warm and soggy, you have vaginal sex over and over again. Once you are done flogging her, you proceed to play the bagpipes in celebration.

William: Hey baby, I got my kilt, waffle, syrup, and bagpipe all ready. You wanna have a dutch waffle at my place tonight.

Betty: Hell yeah. I am half Dutch after all.

by Laphanda January 17, 2010

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Crotch Waffle

A set of long stretched out vagina lips, that often belong to a woman with loose morals. It is often referred to as a camel toe. Can also refer to a woman who may very likely have a crotch waffle.

1.Check out the crotch waffle on that nasty ho!
2.Look at the crotch waffle sitting on the bench over there!

by sallypothead December 17, 2003

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Pink Waffle

A waffle made from steam rising from the pan, to the face of the woman cooking it, causing the make up to drip from her face into the frying pan subsequently making a pink waffle

A - " Hunny can you make me a blue waffle with banana toppings please?"

B - " hunny I think your waffle may have tured into a pink waffle thanks to the shit dropping off of my face"

by curry cums out of my jab end December 3, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit a waffle

The act of an extremely fat person defecating, or the result of surprise or fright.

She was so big she could eat hay and "shit a waffle".

Man, when that dude in the movie slashed the guy, I thought I would "shit a waffle"!

by teetiger August 30, 2008

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waffle stomper

noun - someone who takes a dump in the shower and tries to stomp it down the drain.

All the stalls were full, so Tina, being the waffle stomper she is, had to man up and take a dump in the shower.

by bdams the original January 20, 2007

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