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A commonly used English word used to describe a product that cannot be used by the consumer.

A dissatisfying occurrence resulting in the lack or absence of a product or decreased productivity.


John: "Shut the Fuck Up"

by TlombZ2 December 8, 2009


it’s lil massa hoe

Have you heard of his new song? It’s so waste.

by lina is a bitch September 27, 2019

Waste mans

A very useless person.

That guys a waste mans, he dont do shit.

by Pokémon_Master January 31, 2021

Waste Plug

An Waste Plug is a person who sells substances like cannabis etc. But only does it at their own pace, Waste time, Takes long to deliver, Replies late, Etc.

Yo bro don’t go get nothing from him he’s a waste plug he ain’t gonna give your shit now and even if he does give it your gonna wait awhile.

by SteppaGrimeyAsf March 31, 2021

wasted upload

Wasted upload means: you uploaded something to (for example 9gag) and it didn't get very popular and now you have to wait before you can upload again

1st guy says "oh man I can't wait to upload this to 9gag it's gonna be so popular I will get to hot in no time"

(3 hours later)

2nd guy "dude have you seen your post it's not doing so hot"
1st guy "what do you mean?"
2nd guy "see, your post only has 17 points and 4 comments"
1st guy "oh man! I can't believe it, it was such a wasted upload and now I have to wait before I and can upload again"

by silas ahm lemming November 20, 2016

fancy wasted

When rich snobby people are highly intoxicated at an upscale place but can hardly stand up yet try to look classy

Pierre got so fancy wasted last night he was still raising his pinky finger while spilling champagne on his fur coat.

by kkkrice December 6, 2019


a Detroit original: a person currently living in, or who has lived in a wasteland. Can be described as an over-eager-suburbanite who desperately wants to be part of the city, and usually claims to be from part of the city, despite obvious social and cultural differences that make it apparent that they are NOT from the city. Marshall Mathers.

The record store was temporarily closed due to a fight that had broke out earlier between two waste-oids argueing over the last ICP cd.

by Mel March 4, 2005