A popular drink in St Lucia that has been traditionally used for many years to restore sexual vitality, increase sperm count, and give men the hard of their life.
Garson where the Bois Bande? I have a date tonight.
Something people in band say after saying some weird shit
I like men, it's a band thing
When a singer/vocalist in a band's voice changes with a new album.
The new Attack Attack song sounds like the vocalist went through band puberty!
an elastic band, used for binding items.
Please pass me that elacca band. I need to tie my pencils together.
1. When a guy puts a rubber band around his penis while jerking off for longer erections
"Hey try this nut band It really makes a splooge valcano"
Sweaty, gross smelling band kids who dedicate their life to marching like ants, or playing dated pop songs at pep rallies. Ones who proudly sport any and all band merch. Dog tags, jackets, t-shirts. They never forget to lube up their instruments, but they always forget deodorant. They carry their instruments with them like trophies while everyone else severely judges them. They're confident in themselves, but they really shouldn't be.
"Those Band Nerdbags are stinking up the gym again!"
"Who left their clarinet in the urinal! Must have been one of those band nerdbags.."
"Look at those band nerdbags playing Confident by Demi Lovato! That song was released in 2015!
When a band sounds better after the audience drank several beers
Tenacious D is a true beer band who sound better after we drink 4 lagers