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burning man

Like wasting $1000 to hang out in the parched desert with 35,000 bitter hippies? If you answered yes to this question, then Burningmans for you! Come join the burned out Deadheads and deluded, hard-up Frat boys to chase the handful of washed up hippy women that were in their prime in the summer of love 1969. If you have any drugs, make sure to hoard them because everybody else will be! Not to mention the HUNDREDS of law enforement agents and their canine units just ITCHING to make a bust. Throw in the alkaline soil slowly eating away at any exposed skin, and you're good to go! Bring a women with you and watch 20 horney dirtbags instantly materialize to try to pry her away from you! This event might have been fun back in the '80s, but if you're really looking for a good time, spring break in Cancun is the place to be.

Now I know why they call it burningman, cuase man, do you get burned!

by alphahooker November 23, 2004

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halle burns

The nicest human being on the planet earth. Halle is also vegan and makes delicious recipes and has a lovely voice.

The Halle Burns is my favorite YouTube creator.

by Izbelly June 5, 2021

word burning

Similar to "Book Burning", it is when a word is no longer liked by a group of people and they decide it should no longer be used. Often used when a word is considered "negative" even though it is accurately used by its definition. The intention and the way a person is using it may be what is not liked but it is the word that is cancelled.

"Retarded" means less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age. But some people use it as a derogatory term so we are no longer allowed to use the words "Retard" or "Retarded". Those words have been burnt. We are practicing "word burning".

by murley March 19, 2021

Johnny burns

Johnny is an outstanding guy, he might be quiet but oh boy is he deadly . He gets all the girls in the world and will maybe leave you with only ONE. He’s a smart white boy who basically gets money and fucks bitches. You would love to have Johnny burns in ur life . The kid also is funny like fawkkkkk he’s a 10/10

Damn bro Johnny burns stole my girl “
Yeah dude that’s what he does , they come to him”

by HFS tahjea January 20, 2022

Clit burn

When u eat a girl out so long your nose gets red and chaffed.

Dude, I ate this girl out so long that my nose has clit burn

by Emmuemimilg June 3, 2017

pity burn

When you're out of pot, but your buddies aren't, and they take pity on you and get you burnt. After it becomes part of your vocab, you can shorten it to simply a "pity."

Can I get a pity burn at lunch? Swing by later for a pity, yo!

by chas979 February 24, 2012

Burning, no concerning

When ignants be smoking reefer while they have other things they should be doing instead, but they don't care that they are smoking instead.

Kaveen: "Aye yo peter, shouldn't you be studying for the Bio exam tomorrow?"
Peter: "Nigga i aint even in your class, but if i was i'd be burning, no concerning anyways. Wu-tang."

by Chadeus February 13, 2013