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Cannon> art

Cannon is better than art at r6

by Cannonthegoat March 6, 2024


Cannon is a sweet boy at home, but kind of crazy in public. Cannon is not mature at all but he’s growing. He is super stupid but at the same time way too smart. Cannons are attractive but brushes it off. The way he walks is kind of silly and it vaguely reminds me of a troll. But he’s a really sweet friend.

Friend: Bro, why is Cannon’s ringtone his little brother screaming?!
Friend 2: Idk he changes it every week

by Lavinia Higgs January 30, 2024


A shy person who you would think stays home all day playing video games but is instead looking for his next unwanted wildwood visit. He has the brain of a small chicken and also drives like one, cannon is not the person you want to drive with! he also most likely lives on a golf course which makes him better than you.

my friend cannon was in a car accident last week because of his “brakes

by minecraftslayer93 May 14, 2023


A gun with larger caliber than a rifle. Usualy fires explosive rounds.

*Cannon fires*
Guy 1: woah thats a powerful cannon

by im really smart December 14, 2019


Ancestor and precursor of the artillery gun. A cannon fires stone cannon balls, while an artillery gun fires artillery shells.

Fire the cannon!

by Cyan_on_the_dictionary February 25, 2022


A pretty cool guy who does his best to do the right thing.

Person 1: Hey look it's Cannon again.
Person 2: He's pretty cool.

by 7438793479837 April 11, 2022


A fairly nice dude, but be careful there is probably more to him than meets the eye. Honest, Fair, and Driven by an immense desire to succeed and make life better for those around him. Grew up tough but still has a good heart. Will generally be a good partner, although it might take him awhile to get it. Smart, although sometimes lazy. A man of tremoundous potential if he chooses to you it.

Girl 1: Have you met cannon?

Girl 2: Yeah he's an interesting one, seems like a likeable guy though...

by 7438793479837 August 31, 2022