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online crush

It is when a person has a crush on somebody they met on the internet. Ideally, it usually is somebody of the opposite sex, unless the crusher is gay, of course.

The typical websites that people form online crushes is facebook, myspace, youtube, metacafe, online video games, forums, chat rooms, blogging websites, sharing websites, and any website with community membership and user names for each user.

It is perfectly normal to form a crush on somebody you have never met in real life. It is unfortunate, if you have never seen a photo or video of the person you have a crush on, but one can always hope for that sensual, affectionate, and ideal mate to be the crush.

When the time comes that you see a picture of the crush and if it is unpromising, displeasing, and it turns off sexual arousal, it is normal to shun the crush, and possibly block them out of your life (or for the website in question, at least).

Joey: I have been chatting with this girl on youtube for the past two months, and we have so much in common; I wish I could meet her.
Rachel: O Joey, you have formed an online crush.
Joey: Really? An online crush, eh?
Rachel: Yea, an online crush.
Joey: That's so cool! I bet she's hot.
(Another month passes by...)
Joey: Hey, my online crush sent me picture of her.
(After a few seconds of looking at it...)
Joey: Ahhhhhh! I am so blocking her on youtube, and shunning her.
Rachel: I can't believe that's the girl you had an online crush on. Ha-ha-ha! She is such a hog.
Joey: Yea, well she sounded cute in her messages.

by FriendsFan2008 July 22, 2009

69๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cougar Crush

A crush an older woman has for a younger man.

"Ooh, look at this picture of Robert Pattinson! I know he's like 15 years younger than me, but I think I have a little cougar crush on him."

by MsHellion October 15, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Obama Crush

A crush with big expectations. Knowing that you will never get to the place in their heart, but you still try to succeed.

This came from something said in a math class in Cedarbrook, which has traveled around to several other places and schools in the Philadelphia area as well. You hear it more often than you did back in January, but it may still be a silly saying from the girl who started it.

Friend #1:
"Ew, that kid keeps staring at you."

Friend #2:
"Haha, he has that Obama Crush going on!!"

"Guys stop! He does not!!"

Friend #2:
"Jusst sayingg!!"

by MaggsXMaggs April 29, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

online crush

having a crush on some one you met on the internet. real unfortunate if u dont know how they look like, if they like you back, or if they even exist.

Jeny: omg steve i think i have an online crush on this guy i met online what should i do?

Steve (secretly has a crush on jeny): well ill tell you what IM going to do, first im gonna find him, then im gonna kill him.. MUAHUAHUAHA

Jeny (doesn't like steve much): but what if he doesn't exist?

Steve: um.. what? well i guess theres nothing we can do then

(Jeny's internet crush stalked her myspace profile, found out were steve lived, and killed him)

Jeny: yay my hero! wait.. ur not 18!

(she then grabbed a knife and killed her internet crush)


by jeny October 5, 2007

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Blue Crush

The worst movie ever

by JC Chasez February 23, 2003

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man crush

the true test of determining a man crush is simple. If one has a man crush on someone else, that person would be willing to hold their crush all night long if asked. This holding is in no way sexual, simply emotional. And there is nothing wrong with sleeping in the same bed as another person towards whom you have no sexual attraction. man up.

Dan: i have a man crush Clive Owen. If he asked me to hold him all night long i would say yes

by defyingdefiner March 17, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Man Crush

Term used to define a man's heightened feelings toward another man. This "crush" usually involving athletes or actors, relies on one mans' desire or infatuation to perform like, talk like, or even some cases say they know this "crush" for his self importance or image. Not quite homosexual, but close. This crush may also be the result of a womans passion towards a celebrity.

Mike's "man crush" on Chase Daniel has accelerated after his girlfirend was speechless and started blushing after seeing Chase on campus.

by Chase D. July 11, 2008

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