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dead wookie

A large and foul smelling turd of mythical proportions.

I just did a dead wookie an I'm too scared to go back into the bogs to flush it!

by Container September 25, 2003

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Dead Swag

A term used when one has lost his swag appeal to his friends,family,etc.Usually due to an embarrassing or unfortunate event.

Ever since Kevin came to school with those fake Nikes on,he got nothing but dead swag in the eyes of his homies.

by Yung Swagger the Expierence February 1, 2009

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Dead City

Not to be confused with Dade County, FL. This is actually Dade City (Pasco County)on the west coast. More affectionately known as Dead City. Nothing ever goes on in this town except for the train called the Tropicana Express that passes through the town in the middle of the night.

dude: What are we going to do tonight?

dude2: Dunno, let's head to Tampa since there's nothing here in Dead City.

by No Slacker July 24, 2008

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dead on the reeds

very very high out of your mind.

Dude, I got so dead on the reeds the other day that I passed out.

by snakemanjames August 19, 2009

Dead cells

A game that makes you want to kill someone

Person1: can't believe I just died to a dumb fucking skeleton with the big sword in dead cells I'm going to kill person 2
Person2: bro what

by Dead cells enjoyer December 26, 2022

Dead Bird

Slang for great and amazing.

Person 1: Hey, look at this.

Person 2: Damn! That is dead bird

by Faaaat_Dead_Birds April 5, 2023

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dead pot

Unmaintened, big belly, opposite of "six pack". Also used for plants dead in the pot.

What do you prefer? Six pack or dead pot?

by Tshibourashka December 17, 2017