The Urban Dictionary is a place that will make you lose faith in humanity and ... Just ...die for example.
Me: looks up Anna Kendrick Urban dictionary: " A sexy ass woman who is a celebrity who is in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Hey have you seen the urban dictionary it is like hell but a book online.
The fantastic website where you submit your personal definition for "slang" to the site, in which never actually lets your words go public unless you are extremely lucky.
Holy shit Urban Dictionary actually released my definition.
The website you go on when you're bored in your math teacher's pointless class.
Hey let's go search up "urban dictionary" on the urban dictionary
A website that needs to replace the Gifs with images we found on the internet so we can show off cool Artwork and stuff.
A person who immediately corrects a word, adjective, noun, verb, etc if used incorrectly in a sentence or conversation.
Nick: "Is your mother native?"
James: "You're using native wrong. The correct word is foreign. Don't say a word you don't know how to use."
Nick: "No need to be a dictionary hitler about it."
How black people (white trash as well) incorrectly pronounce words or phrases:
Water = Wuddah
Street = Screet
Going to = Gonna/finna
Money = Muney
Neighborhood = Hood
Dog = Dawg
Whats up = Wassup
Get me = Gits me
Some = Sum
Am not = Ain't
What are you = Whatchu
Drugs = Drogs
Fool = Foo
School = Schoo
Name me one word in the Black Dictionary: Wuddah
Use it a sentence:
Yo bruh git me some wuddah dawg
When you get drunk and hit up Urban Dictionary.
“Apparently John found some crazy words last night on Bourbon Dictionary.”