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emotional damage


emotional damage lol

by helo boi September 7, 2022


when your straight freind says you cant suck his cock

person one: hey can i suck you off
person two: NO
asian person 3: EMOTIONAL DAMAGE

by LBozoRation69420 March 25, 2022

Emotional blueballs

When you really like someone and work up enough confidence to talk to them but then never get the chance.

*in head* I can do this. All I have to do is say hey and ask for their number!

Adult guardian: time to go!

*in head* oh crap... now I have emotional blueballs

by EmoHo July 23, 2018

Emotional blueballs

When you and your new potential mate are perfectly aligned but then their ex steps back in the picture and you are put on hold.

It was so good between us. It kept getting better then one day, I was told that he needed time to sort out some things. I had to put my emotions on ice, now I have emotional blueballs.

by tyrannicalpie August 23, 2017

emotional blue balls

The feeling of being overwhelmed by virtual love and affection from another person but without a viable outlet to express this love, so you end up feeling sad and alone.

Friend 1: Ugh, i’m getting major emotional blue balls right now from my long-distance girlfriend.

Friend 2: What? Why?
Friend 1: look at this sweet paragraph she just sent.

by haileyray June 22, 2021

emotional support gun

The emotional need of owning a gun to feel safe from other idiots with guns.

«In the US they let people have guns for emotional support, and they need them to protect their house. Whereas that gun is more likely to be used on a familymember rather than protecting one»

- @america_is_the_bad.place on tiktok

Person 1: Hey! Why don’t you own a gun?

Person 2: Because i moved to Australia

Person 1: Can’t you own a gun there?

Person 2: We can, we just don’t need them for emotional support as you.

Person 1: What do you mean?

Person 2: You don’t NEED a gun, you just feel safer with one because you let everyone have one. *facepalm*

Emotional support gun is like a support animal.

by Suveva December 21, 2022

Emotion Shaming

The act of shaming someone for having emotions. Also known as emotional abuse. Never do this, just don't, especially parents and partners. Just because you don't feel doesn't mean you have to make others shameful of being human.

Person 1: my bf broke up with me!

Person 2: haha, you're so dramatic! Why don't you post some pity parties on twitter?

Person 1: hey, that's Emotion Shaming. I'm not your friend anymore.

by Local_eldritch_gryphon April 24, 2021