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feeling out the vibes

In dating, feeling out the vibes is a sort of ephumisium greedy people use for being a sugar baby when they’re to afraid to admit they are. To this end, they aren’t looking for anything romantic or physical, just someone to pay for their concert ticket or dinner under the guise of a real date. If there really was the possiblity of romance then they would just say they’re looking to date, they wouldn’t have supplanted it with an ostensibly ambiguous term.

Jenny: Hey Amber how did you get that guy to buy you a concert ticket without actually dating him whilst not looking like a sugababy or a greedy Ho.
Amber: it’s simple, I confused him by saying “I’m just trying to feel out the vibes”, it sounds like we’re dating but if he asked me why I didn’t see anything romantic I could easily tell him “I never said we were dating, just feeling out the vibes”...The Great thing is by the time he asks we’ll have already gone to the concert! hehe.

by leerinabox January 6, 2019

5👍 2👎

feel me dog

feel - understand or relate to what i'm saying
me - me (the person saying it)
dog - friend / buddy of same sex (ie two dogs who were in the same pound together)

Do you understand me buddy or Can you relate to what I'm saying.

man 1 "Don't fake the funk on the slam dunk"

man 2 "could you explain that a little more"

man 1 "if you don't do it with passion and celebrate it properly, you will get booed off the court"

man 2 "ooooooh"

man 1 "feel me dog"

by Andrew Ross March 14, 2007

15👍 11👎

I feel honored.

a person you should treat with much due respect when dealing with situations that could of gone sour. I feel honored.

a person you should treat with much due respect when dealing with situations that could of gone sour. I feel honored.

by Sickofmakingshitup March 21, 2010

51👍 51👎

feel like donkey

When you or a person you know is feeling sub-par.

Jimmy: Man, I've been sick all week. I feel like donkey.


Tom: Want to go to the party?
Dick: No--I feel like donkey.

by JDiggity May 21, 2008

6👍 3👎

feel good music

Horrible autotune music. And some people actually say its GOOD? This is sad, because 70% of America listens to this garbage.

Listening to feel good music is frustrating after a while.

by bjc2002 March 11, 2013

17👍 14👎

Feeling Small

When a boy, usually in Puberty, feels like he has a small penis. This is usually caused by the boys locker room or awkward moments at camp.

Boy 1: "Ugh! I am feeling small today."

Boy 2: "Why?"

Boy 1: "Because after Gym, in the Locker room, I saw Henry's dick and it was huge. And now I am feeling small."

Boy 2: "Wow that's gay..."

by Pfiz34294848 August 28, 2010

1👍 5👎

sha' feel me

an inquiry as to whether what was just said has been understood

There's just something about good sex that makes me need to shit, sha' feel me?

by napus antipas March 4, 2004

9👍 5👎