Source Code

Team Firecrotch

To show support for actress Lindsay Lohan who has been dubbed Firecrotch by her peers.

"Lindsay's career can't be saved"

"You are wrong, I'm sticking with Team Firecrotch"

by Eddie Bell May 6, 2008

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Team Playa

Two individuals that immediately have all ladies in the bar wet upon their entrance.

My jealous ex-girlfriend called myself and my buddy "Team Playa"; but the fact of the matter is that we are now banging hundreds of hotter women.

by teamdomination August 25, 2008

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team kamikaze

A group of awesome individuals that show up at an event and wipe out all the other competition. Bringing home all the awards! Kicking ass and having fun while they do it.

Team Kamikaze is at it again. Showing up at the horse show and leaving nothing for anyone else. Laughing while they do it.

by pnytrnr April 18, 2014

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Team Birdo

Domination in the purest since of the word, the unstoppable force and immovable object. Leaves a path of complete destruction in its wake.

The '85 Bears went Team Birdo on the NFL.

by Jay Hillman January 22, 2009

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team bitch

person on the team that does what any of his teammates ask them to do

yoooo man, remember Jared from little league?

bro I remember we made him our team bitch

he cleaned our cleats after every game

by krsxjpg April 2, 2016

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Team Six

to get rid of a pesky problem by radically efficient and effective means.

We need to Team Six the gophers digging up the lawn.

by Fan of Team Six May 5, 2011

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Swag Team

A group of 3-4 people, usually best friends, that have the ability to charm most everyone. People usually want to be them and they can make each other laugh harder than any others. These are the best of friends.

Jenna: Oh hey look, it's Mary and Aaron.

Mitch: Where's the rest of the swag team?

by cheer&dance January 31, 2012

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