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Roach Goblin

A legendary creature known to the stoners of Williams Lake British Columbia. If one does not placate the roach goblin by occaisionally throwing a roach into the woods, the goblin has been known to nab useful items. If, however, one is careful to satisfy the Roach Goblin, he has been known to leave gifts of weed, money, pens and lighters to good little stoners.

The Roach Goblin is two feet high, and has green skin, purple eyes and blonde hair. He wears a tattered felt jacket with coat-tails, pointy blue leather shoes, grey wool socks, brown breeches, white gloves, and a red silk shirt. His hat is sky blue, peaked and adorned with three feathers, one yellow, one green and one red. He carries a ebony cane topped with an onyx sphere in his left hand. There is a golden pocket-watch in his right pocket.

Dude, toss that roach to the Roach Goblin, or you'll lose your buspass for sure.

by moonbug November 13, 2006

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piss goblin

A piss goblin is someone who cherishes there piss and makes love to it every night for a month before consuming it.

Bitch you a piss goblin
Fuck off Dickwad

Pussy boy

by The mighty nazi blazer April 15, 2020

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posh goblin

Often seen saying "Spare some coochie ma'am?"

Human in the streets Posh Goblin in the sheets

by D&D Gamer 101 January 7, 2020

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Giggle goblin

Slang frequently used on tiktok meaning whoever it is targeted towards is cool and a good person

Person 1: β€œDo you know Muhammad Ali?”
Person 2:β€œYeah he’s the giggle goblin of boxing!”

by matthewc201828377 September 18, 2020

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Coom Goblin

Some one who cooms and is simultaneously a goblin

oh oh ohhhh, I think, I might be a coom goblin... Ever since I saw that thick ass loli I cant stop masturbating. *fap fapfapafp* UNNGGGG G GGG IS THAT LORD OF THE RINGS GOBLIN RULE 34? HOLY FUCK *SNIffFFFFFFFffFFFFF* Ooooohohooho fuckkkkkk

by NiggerFagoot1488 December 14, 2020

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Desk Goblin

A person who gives oral sex from under a desk or table.

That woman must be a Desk goblin if she’s received a promotion while the rest of us didn’t.

by Baboonery1 April 12, 2023

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Goblin Dickhead

Goblin Dickhead is used as an insult for underage parents who are on government benefits.

Look at that Goblin Dickhead buying her kids sausages rolls with her benefit money.

by OrthdoxNorman December 1, 2015

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