A good do is a good job, or something that is funny or done well, it usually apples to an event or action.
That house party was a Good Do.
When you yank off the underwear and play Pin the tail on the donkey with each other.
We were planning to have a good time, but the third wheel fucked it up.
Sauerkraut , das is good
Sunsets, das is good
Killing those who are not great in our eyes, das is good
Cries of the innocent, das is good
When one experiences a negative situation that causes tears, but it leads to a positive situation that causes tears of joy.
My divorce lead me to find the woman of my dreams... good onions!
A hot light man with muscles and big ass tiddies that I'd chew on for days he can rail me behind a food truck
Mason Gooding destroy this ussy
the term used for wishing someone a good day from the hours between 12am and 4am, especially on video games. it's combined the words degen (from degenerate) and good evening. It's pronounced "good dee-zheve-ning".
Good deegning, Brit! I see you're on the 1am grind as per usual?