the guy who turns off your computer because he wants to. entitled man whos 40% gay.
"hey youre annoying"
"i know its because im a jon"
lets just say hes pwitty cwacked at fortine, also a big hit with the dordy sorts😉, he has a 2inch dick and likes his tummy being tiggled. btw hes gonna make prob 1mil a yr from his gold card (50% get it).
#dordy sorts come my way. @jonjw14
jon /dzorn/
definition: it is a Ghanaian Pidgin word describing a person or a thing which is uncool, stupid or childish.
“This guy doesn’t know any of the latest songs, he is so jon.”
Something ( usually a joke ) that is found to be irrelevant and unfunny.
That was a very jon joke.
Kofi's dad jokes are jon.
Being a Jon is when your gay friend will blame you for being homophobic. When actually he is just being a dick.
I'm not a homophobe Philip, you're just being a Jon.