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Harry potter

A wizard

Wow look at Harry potter

by Woohooooooooooooooo January 14, 2019

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is DA BEST THING EVER!!!


by rgewfYSVDBHlug7p YRSLBVD May 15, 2022

Harry Potter

The reason why no one wears round glasses.

A: Wanna try these glasses?
B: No, they're Harry Potter glasses!

by darkwizard2 November 1, 2018

Harry Potter

A literature series for all people, also a character in the series. There are seven books in this series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone (or for you americans Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This story is about a small wizard name Harry Potter who was raised by his uncle and aunt and cousin because Voldemort kill his parents, after that he was accept to Hogwarts with his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger and his goal was to destroy Voldemort forever. The fans of this series are called Potterheads, and they use a web called POttermore to discover their Patronus, and wands, and their house, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff

Friend: What are you reading?
Me: Harry Potter, have you read it?
Friend: NO i watch the movie
Me: *throws Harry Potter book at his face* Read IT NOW!!

by Hexxer May 21, 2018

Harry Potter

A children's book series. Also, it doesn't swear, the rudest word in the whole series is bloody

Why tf do adults read Harry Potter

by discofox June 11, 2020

Harry Potter

A story series of a guy with a big stick and goes around shooting coloured beams with it.

I watched Harry Potter yesterday

by Hairy PooPer the furry goat April 3, 2023

Harry Potter

Books that every child has read in some point in time. Butterbeer, robes, Wattpad stories about Draco Malfoy, Fan Fics, wands, patronus, etc.

Me: Have you read Harry Potter?
Friend: No
Me: *wacks friend with a rolled up paper*

by simisim21 February 27, 2022