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Street Profits

A prostitute, A group of prostitutes

Person 1: "Yo Dave! Let's go find some Street Profits downtown!" Dave: "Holy shit the WWE tag team? no way!" Person 1: "Nah bro. Go see the definition on urban dictionary teh goon wrote."

by teh goon April 29, 2023

Bacon Street

Bacon street is a well known party location on Waiheke island, although only a small house it is more than capable of holding itself against other big party places. It is also a gathering ground for all lads to meetup and drink some brews

Guy: Yo what we doing tonight?
Other guy: Bacon Street?
Guy: Bacon streets the go bruv

by TheLads1081 June 21, 2020

Street Family

Street family culture derives from homeless youth. Often times disabled homeless youth, or just youth that no one cares about. In some places, street family members grow into adults and stay in the family.

What can you do, when you are young, and no one cares about you? Children tend to have very active imagination, children like to play house.

A street family is a pretentious family created by children not being protected.

It isn't necessarily violent, but there is often drama, as drama comes with poverty.

Street families tend to disregard traditional family roles. In fact, in some cases, that includes having nonsensical roles, like the street mom's street brother being also the street brother of the street mom's street son.

Street family members tend to be extremely vulnerable leading to victimization, which includes police misconduct.

The tone varries, but street family members are easily replaceable to the outside world, however, if they were conditional towards each other, they wouldn't last.

In this hypothetical street family, it lasted more than 10 years. Billy is 23, being one of the youngest, he joined at 14, with ODD and being abused after getting abandoned.
Billy has been stabbed in the back lots of times by his street family, but he stays because it's his security.
They are afraid, held together by fight or flight. The entire point is to pretend that there is stability where there is none.

Bitzy is my street mom in my street family. We kinda just vibe.

by mynameis FThem Cloud December 1, 2021

street prowling

To go out with friends looking for Hot Guys/ Hot Girls walking down the streets

Hey you want to go out street prowling tonight for a guy/girl thats down to go to town.

by kcool14 April 15, 2011

street drink

A combination of sugar and water that poor people drink when they can't afford soda or juice.

Willy: "Hey what's that you're drinking?"
Reginald: "It's street drink sucka! Getcho vitamin C!"

by Kienan Hamilton March 24, 2008

street jazz

jazz music that is played on the street

we went to a street jazz concert yesterday

by Trony420 August 3, 2017

Youtube Streets

The area or a certain Youtube community.

These Youtube streets are crazy today!

by LoGic FCMS February 3, 2019