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Normal people

An adjective referring to something that is NOT crazy or strange, used when comparing it to something crazy or strange

Can you stop spewing incoherent nonsense substances and speak normal people talk?

Stupid mimes. Why can't just do normal people acting?

Yeah, you keep posting your conspiracy theory bullshit on that crazy Newage site. If you need me, I'll be out doing normal people things.

by BrokenEyeReborn May 24, 2011

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poor people

Contrary to popular belief, we are educated, civil, friendly people. Yeah there are some who always make the headlines for being fucked up and in gangs. That is not most of us. I like poor people better than rich people because most of the rich people I know are snotty and don't talk to you unless you have the right designers. I was enrolled at a fancy prep school on scholarship for two years, and it was horrible. A girl was ridiculed for having the 'right' 200 dollar jeans, but she wore them too often, and that was considered poor. Some of them would laugh and give themselves joke makeovers to make them look like 'dirty Mexicans' (their words) for fun.

My friend went to the mall with me and her mom dropped us off at the mall with 'just a couple hundred dollars'. She bought a 400 dollar designer dress with the money, then started crying and yelling when her mom wouldn't let her buy the matching 200 dollar shoes. I was like wtf!!

On the other hand, when I went home, I would chill with all my neighbors and friends. it was more normal. Guys went out with you for the way you looked and acted, not just the labels on your clothes. We would go to Payless and put stuff on hold for when we could afford them, and it was never a big deal. Somehow I think that if you don't have money, you are generally happier, because you accept what you have and what you don't have, and that's not an issue when you're hanging out with your friends and shit. You chill with them, go get food, whatever, but it's so much realer where I live than the gated communities where other people live, and go shopping at elite designer boutiques to show off for fun.

Poor people are awesome! Just ask anyone in the Meadowbrook Apartments in San Diego woot!!

by Angelacia May 30, 2007

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people pleaser

A relatively new word in the psychology world, it's not in the DSM-IV-TR (a book that a couselor would use for a diagnosis). People pleasers are doormats who let high expectations, resentment, and saying yes when they mean no run their lives. They are set on being perfect and nice. It affects mostly women because they are socialized to do for other people instead of for themselves. This has also been linked to codependence.

Woman 1: "Let's ask Kate to do the bake sale. She never says no."
Woman 2:"She's such a people pleaser."

by VenusPandora July 31, 2006

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you people


While the phrase has long been used as an interpersonal generalization, it has become known as a racial epithet targeted to blacks only recently. The earliest documentation of this meaning that I can find is from 1992, when presidential candidate Ross Perot was chided for telling an NAACP audience about financial hardships befalling "your people."

Willie Clark, president of the N.A.A.C.P. branch in San Bernadino, Calif., said the overall tone of Mr. Perot's remarks and particularly his use of the phrase "your people" reflected how culturally out of touch he was with his audience.

"When he said 'you people' or 'your people,' it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull," he said. "It's something white folks have used when they don't want to call you nigger, but they don't want to treat you like an equal."

-- New York Times: July 12, 1992

by Horse Sport August 9, 2009

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boat people

Used to describe korean immigrants who use to migrate to America on boats, which was met with hostility as all immigrants usually from asia are... you may or may not remember a reality show on which a non-racist girl heatedly called a korean guy "a fresh off the boat f*cking korean immigrant." <--- bad woman.

Lordie, lordie Helena this place is filled with boat people, lets leave!

by Kimberly Jackson February 3, 2007

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british people

Basically the backbone of the american lookout. We see them as the cool ones, and were just a bunch of jackasses! They can make anything sound cool like "Bananas in Pajamas." Smart and very funny people. (monty python)

Euro-Trip: Total stereotype of Brits. Yet, still funny in the way that the Brits are presented by swearing like scalliwags and drinking non-stop! Also very sporting for MANCHESTER UNITED THE GREATEST FOOTBALL TEAM EVER!!!!!!!!

by Jason Lovetto April 24, 2005

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white people

A human being with a white skin color

Black racist: "god I hate white people"
White guy: "and why is that? because some dumbass insulted you? because other whites did some shitty stuff? i'm sorry but black people have done shitty stuff as well, so have asians, hispanics, etc. The problem isn't white people, the problem is us, humanity, we are a group of stupid, shitty, greedy, rats that are slowly killing ourselves and destroying the planet, while some people like you are too fucking concerned insulting a group of people because they're some how responsible for pieces of shit that have the same skin color"

by DXfactor March 19, 2017

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