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WAP meaning to Worship And Prayer. commonly used in pseudo christianic religious sects. the younglings of the world have turned it into a lewd phrase meaning "wet <god has redacted this word for you, bless your soul> <god has redacted this word for you, bless your soul>"

i saw you at church! getting in that WAP i see

by Dumbsimp September 20, 2020


Worship And Prayer 🙏

Dad: Did you go to granny’s place to WAP?
Son: Sure did, It was a blast!
Dad: I’m proud of you son.

by Uncle_Juan December 17, 2020


Wet ass pussy

That’s a wap

by Wavofam28 September 17, 2020


Watermelon and pineapples

I had WAP and a sandwich for lunch

by Slurp_6969 December 22, 2020


Watermelon and pineapples

I had WAP and a sandwich for lunch today

by Slurp_6969 December 22, 2020


Warm Apple Pie
You horny fucks

Person 1:"Wanna try my WAP?"
Person 2:"uhhhhhhhhhhhh"

by GayAssOmlet August 25, 2020


The song made by Cardi B and Megan thee Stalin is called WAP which stands for wet ass pussy

"When I WAP from the top get this wet ass pussy"

by Tiny cracker October 16, 2020