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eddie nketiah

someone who only scores tap ins in football. A goal from close range.

Did you see my goal on the weekend? Proper eddie nketiah

by Excellent_emile December 21, 2021

alina and eddie

the cutest couple to ever exist.

me- have you seen alina and eddie
worker- yes! theyre so cute

by EllieP5 January 21, 2023

Special Eddy

Realest on the face of the earth.

Aye bro that dude almost as cool as Special Eddy!

by Eddy225 February 7, 2018

eddie cahill

N: the licking of a Rhinoceros's ass, followed by gargelling of it's semenal juices.

After the eddie cahill, my mouth got really sore

by Steve "Fucking" Irwin September 18, 2006

Dr Eddie

A teacher who doesn't know what the HELL he/she is talking about. Makes the students do all the work (aka busy work) since he/she is fucking clueless about the entire field of study.

However, even though he/she cannot teach, he/she is a wonderful person. Super nice.

Person 1: "Our teacher can't teach at ALL!!!"
Person 2: "Yeah, but she is sooo nice. She even helped me fix my flat tire!!!"
Person 1: "Hmmmm...terrible teacher but wonderful lady...she must be a dr eddie!"

by 987654321 November 29, 2007


the definition of the coolest person ever, very amazing friend ily

delicious dawgs enthusiast #2

eddy/andie slays

by twottuckshsvingsex April 30, 2022


eddies…gazebos is the best and funniest tictoker

eddies…gazebos is so cool

by fhjckklbb June 15, 2021