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What the heck is on my face

A face painting game where you paint something on another persons face and they have 20 guesses to figure out what the heck is on their face, or they lose.

What the Heck is on my face? A tub of Vaseline.

by FattyCakeKittyCat February 5, 2018

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show us your face

A phrase for intimidate someone to say his real personality

Show us your face!!!!

by luli.fr July 3, 2015

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cooter-faced sock puppet

a sock puppet whose mouth is so attractive that it is evocative of a woman's vagina. One might perform acts of self pleasure with said puppet at their own indiscretion.

It can also be used in a derogatory sense where as the party insulted is compared to being nothing more than a masturbatory aid.

Man, that is one cooter-faced sock puppet. Imma get my hands all over hat bitch!

Quit being such a cooter-faced sock puppet!

by alphacaiaphas March 30, 2011

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National punch Nick in the face day

December 6th is the one day when you can punch Nick Scat in the face

"oh man it's NATIONAL punch Nick in the face day. You know what that means"

"shit bro'

by ihateavocado December 6, 2019

Pointy Nose Period Face (PNPF)

An angry, scowleding woman that presents as overtly militant and opinionated at all times. Native to work place, the PNPF thrives off of political correctness and ensuring all rules are abided by despite them having no known authority or power. The PNPF is a product of two Karen's mating and producing a demon spawn that would make Satan himself very proud. Despite human like appearance, one must be carful and on high alert at all times when within 15 feet of the PNPF, as they most certainly want you dead. You will know you are in the presence of a PNPF if you pick up on the aroma of disappointment expelled by others when the PNPF enters the room. Another sign that a PNPF is amoung you is the desire to want to physically recoil and/or disappear immediately when the PNPF makes eye contact with you. This urge may at times become so strong you will find yourself chewing off your own appendages so that there is less of you exposed to this species. At other times group exposure to the PNPF will create a panic similar to that which was seen in the movie Bird Box when blind folds were removed.

"Dude did you see the new Pointy Nose Period Face (PNPF) they hired in sales? She began talking to me about the oil crisis and suddenly I found myself drinking bleach in an attempt to dissolve my own body from the inside out"

by George0711 June 1, 2022

little face biting air sharks

The correct name for the tiny Australian fly known colloquially as "midges". Other colloquialisms include "little bastards", "cunts", and "fuck off you litte demons!"

The little face biting air sharks were so annoying I took to burning the house down with a flame thrower to get rid of them; it didn't work.

by pitdroidtech April 14, 2016

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get it all over your face

To really enjoy or get enthusiastic about something.
Originally related to food, but now extended to anything that one enjoys.

Richard: "Wow, this dinner sure is swell."
Toby: "Get it all over your face."


Tim: "Halo 3 is coming out soon."
Brads: "Oh man, I'm just gonna get it all over my face."

by halfbrick August 31, 2007

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