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thicc boi 69

It kind of self explanatory, it’s a boy who’s ass is so fat anyone would 69 hi

Stacy: hey Jessica what’s his name?

Jessica: What do you mean?

Stacy: him with that fat ass!
Jessica: Oh his name is John, God he could be the thiccest man alive.

John: yeah Jessica I might be.
Stacy: he’s such a thicc boi 69

Mrs.james (70 year old teacher): definitely Stacy defiantly...

by Hello there 69 October 27, 2019

B-69 Bomber

The act of either party dropping a Cleavland Steamer on the other participant while in the top/bottom '69' position.

"I totally gave this girl her first B-69 Bomber this weekend. She hasn't called me back. Do you think she's into me?"

by Mydesignsrock88 March 10, 2016

69 cum off

Two men participate in a 69 and the first one to cum loses. In order to secure the victory, the other participant must swallow.

“Did you hear Jeff beat Tony in a 69 cum off? He made him nut in 42 seconds!”

by yurrskiii September 1, 2022

Moms asshole 69

So free freer than your mom on a Saturday night

I had your moms ASSHOLE 69

by Hiiamyourdad March 12, 2021

single mans 69

Sucking on three of your fingers while tossing your load

When Dave lost his partner he decided to have a single mans 69

by Selfies 69 March 21, 2020


A speed trap where 2 police cars are side-by-side, each pointing in the opposite direction.

"Watch out for the 5-0-69 just past Atlanta on I-75. They gave my friend a ticket this morning."

by Lawmeow1 December 5, 2011

space coaster 69

When you ride your girl like a roller coaster all the way into space.

Ahmed performed the sacred space coaster 69 last night. He was never seen again.

by Uncle Travy Scott December 26, 2020