It kind of self explanatory, it’s a boy who’s ass is so fat anyone would 69 hi
Stacy: hey Jessica what’s his name?
Jessica: What do you mean?
Stacy: him with that fat ass!
Jessica: Oh his name is John, God he could be the thiccest man alive.
John: yeah Jessica I might be.
Stacy: he’s such a thicc boi 69
Mrs.james (70 year old teacher): definitely Stacy defiantly...
The act of either party dropping a Cleavland Steamer on the other participant while in the top/bottom '69' position.
"I totally gave this girl her first B-69 Bomber this weekend. She hasn't called me back. Do you think she's into me?"
Two men participate in a 69 and the first one to cum loses. In order to secure the victory, the other participant must swallow.
“Did you hear Jeff beat Tony in a 69 cum off? He made him nut in 42 seconds!”
Sucking on three of your fingers while tossing your load
When Dave lost his partner he decided to have a single mans 69
A speed trap where 2 police cars are side-by-side, each pointing in the opposite direction.
"Watch out for the 5-0-69 just past Atlanta on I-75. They gave my friend a ticket this morning."
When you ride your girl like a roller coaster all the way into space.
Ahmed performed the sacred space coaster 69 last night. He was never seen again.