The actor who played Merry a.k.a. Meriadoc Brandybuck in the LOTR Trilogy.
The man is what I like to calling Fexy. A.K.A. Fucking Sexy.
Oh Look! It's the Dom. That Man is the Fex!
65👍 18👎
Mad flow, his stamina check out his killing verse
Simon Dominic... SIMON D -O-M-I-N-I-C-O oo
(verb) A sexual action of complete dominance, that occurs after winning/losing a bet based on the 2012 Presidential election.
"Brian got it handed to him over the electoral college, I'm going to blow a Dominant Romney all over his car door handle."
a woman who always has to be on top when she is having sex. Usually a woman who tries to grab a male withoust permission at his balls in order to show dominance.
Gosh my balls hurt from that domineering Haydee
Nick Dominates is a YouTube Gayming Star and Pro Twitch Streamer who has received over 1 million doll hairs in the past year due to Furry cosplays. He is also married to the Pro Twitch Gaymer Ninja
Omg, nick dominates hasn’t uploaded in months, tea mama the house
A relationship state in which one person is dominating the other person by being able to openly fart whenever, wherever, as loud and as smelly as they want to, while the other person is absolutely not allowed to fart at all.
Look at Brian farting away shamelessly in front of his new girlfriend, he has established tremendous fart dominance!
A fag and has bitch tits
Example: Hey look over there, isn’t that Dominic gay and ugly.
1👍 10👎