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Digital Romance

A relationship that primarily takes place online with little to no physical or in person contact.

Typically takes place solely over the phone and includes romantic texts, talking about being together, and soon saying I love you, as well as starting a relationship with someone, all without actually meeting the person behind the screen.

Hey, did you ever text back that guy who dm’ed you?
-Nah, I’m not looking for a digital romance, I want something real.

by Devious Darling September 20, 2022

Digit In

To enter an appointment in your Smart Phone (Palm, Blackberry, IPhone) calendar using the key pad. Replaces "Pencil In" in a high tech digital world.

I am free for lunch this Tuesday. One moment, I will digit in that appointment so I don't forget.

by Red Gecko May 21, 2008

digit blocker

After spending several hours chatting someone up online, person A asks for person B's phone number. Person B plays hard to get and indicates that person A just might be lucky enough to get the phone number so person A persists with hopes that person B will eventually give in. Person A SHOULD just give up because Person B is just playing hard to get and who has time for that?

Sam: Dave, ya know I think you're superfly and would enjoy having a chat on the phone, seeing how we've hit it off on the computer for about 12 hours now.
Dave: Um no, I'm just going to tease you for ages before you finally show zero interest in me. At that point, I might give you my number just to see if you still want it.
Sam: Why ya gotta be like that, you Digit Blocker.

by Toozday August 26, 2008

Digital delivery

Delivery of contents or value over the internet at specified destination calls digital delivery.

digital Delivery of contents or value over the internet

by s j tubrazy April 13, 2013

digital exploitation

The exploitation of digital media to unfairly influence the outcome or to create an unjust result. It can be a form of cheating and illicit practices that take advantage of and exploit media users. In some cases, media users are programmed to go viral with misinformation or disinformation. Much like when an arson strikes a match when the conditions are favorable for a wildfire to spread in ways that are most damaging to the environment.

The Russians have learned quickly that they can positively influence the outcome of an election through digital exploitation. much easier than conventional war. Surprisingly they have the help of a large minority of the public who support their candidate right or wrong.

by mlhiss October 29, 2019

digital durry

a vape

'durry' is Australian slang for a cigarette

she was smoking a digital durry

by kylorensak47 April 5, 2023

digital rot

Digital Rot is the feeling of malaise and ennui which results from hours spent in a decadent, ceaseless activity, be it watching TV, listening to music, playing video games, watching porn, scrolling on social media, but is usually a combination of all of these things. This does not *have to* result from screens and digital activity, but it typically does.

While similar to mind rot, digital rot seems to be an exacerbated form, in that digital media is far more accessible, and allows a person to sequester themselves in a dungeon of their own creation for years at a time.

>A few students show up to class, John, Jack, and Jacob.

>John stares at the board aimlessly for the whole class, not writing anything, and blankly staring and glancing around the entire room.

>Jack, whispering to Jacob: "Is John okay?"

>Jacob, whispering to Jack: "He has digital rot. His girlfriend left him, so he stayed up all night doom scrolling, watching porn, and playing video games while messaging me about how sad he was."

>Jacob pokes John in the shoulder

>John has no reaction

>Jacob, whispering: "See?"

>Jack: "wow. He needs to go to church."

>Jacob: "Yeah."

by perhapsedly April 5, 2024