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A Mug

A mug is something you hold when you need to hold it. You’ve held a mug now good one.

Mug is a Mug
Me: it took me along time to this because I kept pressing h instead of G

Someone else that’s not me: Maybe learn how to use a keyboard

Me: i have big hand and also keep pressing , instead of M

by Eric Cartman948 June 4, 2021

A mug

so you know like you can get a word of a mug right on urban dictionary right?
So this a goofy swagger thingy a mug with A mug on da front. kinda cool right.

Guy with mug: Hey i got a mug from Urban Dictionary

Guy with no mug: GIVE THE THE DAMN MUG NOW.
Guy with mug: No...

by æææææææææ December 20, 2022

a mug

is the study of numbers, shapes and patterns. The word comes from the Greek word "μάθημα" (máthema), meaning "science, knowledge, or learning", and is sometimes shortened to maths (in England, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand) or math (in the United States and Canada).

im learning shapes in my mug class!
Mug class is so fun!
ugh dont be a mug

by Emma Bethany May 24, 2021

nean mugging

Mean mugging by individuals who resemble neanderthalls.

While sitting in our car, outside a very rural school, passing students were nean mugging us.

by oompaloompadoopitydoo September 26, 2008

Bangin Mug

Someone who is OC or very salty

Hannah: gets F on paper

Friend: How ya feelin'

Hannah: :/
Friend: Ahhh she's a bangin mug

by 9103or8y2498y294r May 9, 2019

Gerard Mug Cup

A cup a shot glass a motto…the send vessel

Pass me the Gerard Mug Cup to turn up!

by Harambe Your Best friend May 19, 2022

being a mug

being a mug where “mug” is the main word.
being a mug: essentially means cock blocking on a non sexual level.

when someone’s friend or your girls friend is talking to the girl you like. This is turn makes it to wear you can’t talk to your girl.
cock block mug from another definition started this for some context I don’t want it to be a inside joke it needs to be gentrified.

-“i can’t even talk to her bro” then look at your friend “she’s being a mug bro a mug”
- i swear bro she’s such being such a mug”

by oscap73 December 13, 2024