Where a butch lesbian, single handedly fists a fellow partner. Usually occurs during camping.
That noise you heard from Hannah’s tent last night was from Terisa poking a marshmallow.
God this buffet sucks.
Better than a poke in the brown eye with a sharp dick.
a word for female masturbation
hey jennifer what you doing tonight?
nothing much but i think i might be poking the pope
Cumming on the bridge of your nose so you can’t see then farting in your mouth just for fun
I’ll cheeky Jamiee poke ya dad if you’re not careful mate. Wallop cheeky jaimee poke
I poke you means I love you there is poke replaced to love because Athena gaming said to his subscribers "I poke you fam". If any Athena subscribers are here then know this word very well
Athena Gaming is a pubg player and he always says "poke you guys" and poke defines to love in korean.
I poke you means I love you there is poke replaced to love because Athena gaming said to his subscribers "I poke you fam". If any Athena subscribers are here then know this word very well