The most average thing ever to exist and can not compare to vine
TikTok is pretty gay
Any person with a functioning brain: You truly are the lowest scum in history.
TikTok: Ah, you're right.
Or Douyin in Chinese, Is a severe mental disorder that causes anyone infected begins to dance in front of their phones with music playing, to which the patient also may include a fast shaking motion with the buttocks.
Symptoms may include:
- Narcassism,
- Severe decrease of Attention span,
- Urmumgayalitis,
- Call every piece of media known as a "song" from TikTok.
- (For Females) Sudden urge to genocide all male human beings.
- Brain decay.
Sadly there is no world-wide cure but irreversible damage can be reversed with deleting the app.
a stupid gay ass abortion center
person 1: i got 1k views
person 2: shut up about your tiktok fuck face
TikTok is an app that has absolute garbage users but there is a good side of it, most of it is garbage though.
Person 1: I just downloaded tiktok, what should I upload?
Person 2: Get off that app
An app most likely used by pedophiles
“Rick has tiktok.”
“What the fuck is wrong with him.”
The app created to replace iFunny as the meme graveyard. A place that will show you one mediocre video and make you spend 3 hours scrolling through shit and cringe to find another one.
"Hey! I found this funny video on TikTok!" - your friend with an IQ of 65.8