Source Code

Old-School German Cannon Battle

Two opposing players set up cheek to cheek in a tub full of water. Each person pushes as hard as they can and the first to send excrement into the others anal cavity is considered the winner.

When we were younger, me and my sister would have Old-School German cannon battles. Really that’s what started my fetish…..

by XiiphiiK July 14, 2024

Man Cannon

When you squeeze a scrotum so each testicle is on either side of your fist

If you say that one more time I will Man Cannon you!

by Analcake March 20, 2011

Bass Cannon

A large cannon, typically wielded by a pony DJ, That uses high frequency noise and extremely fast paced bass to carve out large areas of land that people ( or ponies ) that pissed them off recently stood on.

Damn, Did you see that jackass cranky get obliterated by that bass cannon?

by Mr. Dr. Prof. Phil July 11, 2016

Bass Cannon

A large cannon, typically wielded by a pony DJ, That uses high frequency noise and extremely fast paced bass to carve out large areas of land that people ( or ponies ) that pissed them off recently stood on.

Damn, Did you see that jackass cranky get obliterated by that bass cannon?

by Mr. Dr. Prof. Phil July 11, 2016

Cannon Levi Lamar

THE nicest person you will meet. He has been in multiple relationships and doesn't like {coopkakes}.

If you are reading this Cannon you might be creeped out but trust me I know you...

Chloe: Have you seen {Cannon Levi Lamar's} butt?
Dakota: WTF uh... Missed me with {dat} {gay shit}

by coopkakes July 16, 2018


Any one-shot-kill weapon in an FPS game. eg. The AWP from Counter-Strike or the Barret from Soldat. Generally favoured by campers and the like who are too scared to get anywhere near the real action during a game.

The AWP is indeed a Pansy-Cannon.

by CinnamonToasties June 6, 2009

Ho cannon

1. A title given to females of clearly promiscuous and disrespectful natures, so much so to the extent that one could aim and fire their promiscuous tendencies much like a cannon.

If the 2003 film, Master and Commander, were of a pornographic nature, they would be firing ho cannons instead of actual cannons.

"We need to keep Danielle away from David. Ho cannon.....FIRE!"

by WordslingerGun January 30, 2010